Earth anchor systems

Percussion Driven Earth Anchoring Solutions can be used across a wide range of market sectors, including Civil Engineering (e.g. retaining walls, slope stabilisation, bridge repair, pipelines, guyed structures and erosion control), Landscape (e.g. tree anchoring and irrigation systems), Agricultural (e.g. crop protection, vineyard, orchard and soft fruit trellising) and many others.


PROJECT ground anchors for slope reinforcement

Percussion driven anchor systems with rotating anchor and solid metal rods for anchoring with loads up to 200 kN.


GEO earth anchors for reinfircement points creation

Анкерные системы с рабочими нагрузками 2.5 - 40 кН для укрепления трубопроводных систем в грунте, создания надежных точек крепления в различных грунтах.


GEO-EL anchors for use withelectric and communication networks

Грунтовые Анкеры для воздушных линий ЛЭП и коммуникаций


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